Terms of Service

Failure to abide by the terms hereby presented could result in the commissioner being denied future commissions.

• By commissioning me, you hereby agree to these terms of service.
• You are not to commission me for any works if you are under 18 years old of age.
• If such suspicion arises, I, the artist, have the right to ask for proof that you, the customer, is indeed over 18.
• I, the artist, have the right to refuse any commision at my own discretion.

• Once you have been approved, the payment is required in full via the payment method provided once you have been asked for it.
• If payment is done before I approve your commision, you will be refunded and your position in queue will be forfeited.
• Once I send you payment information, payment is to be done within 72 hours (3 days). Failing to do so results in your commission being forfeited. Do not submit a commission form if you are unable to financially commit to it.
• You, the customer, are eligible for a full refund if I cancel the commission for personal reasons.
• I, the artist, reserve the right to cancel and fully refund a commission at any given point for any reason I see fit.
• Outside of those circumstances listed above, all sales are final.

• I do not work with deadlines given by the commissioner.
• In general, I aim to get commissions done within two weeks of order. However, if you have not heard from me in one week (5 days), you are entitled to message me to ask about the status of your commission.
• I will send you, the customer, a sketch of your commission, and in this stage, you have the right to ask for any edits and revisions. I will also send you lineart for approval.
• Once we get past the lineart phase, edits will be limited to small ones, such as color, markings, expressions, etc.
• Mistakes made by my fault (e.g. details from the ref sheet I missed) will be promptly corrected at any given phase.
• Once the commission is done and you, the commissioner, give me the final approval, I will send you one copy with its original resolution in .png format.
• I do NOT provide the working files (.sai/.psd) of said commission.

• Upon completion, I, the artist, have the right to post and display the commissioned work on my platforms (I do not do private commissions, unless it is a gift). If you, the commissioner, want to stay anonymous, you have the right to request it, and as such, it'll only be displayed as "commission for anonymous" on said posts.
• You, the commissioner, have the right to post your commissioned piece on your own personal platforms on any resolution you see fit with proper credit given.
• I, the artist, retain the rights of the commissioned images I have drawn, and as such, they can be included in promotional pieces, such as art packs and price sheet examples.
• All characters depicted will remain under full ownership of their respective owners.
• The commissioner (or any other person) does not have the right to edit or alter the image in any shape or form prior to my permission.
• The commissioner (or any other person) does not have the right to resell my art as a Non-Fungible Token or in general.

Failure to abide by the terms hereby presented could result in the commissioner being denied future commissions.

Do Not Interact

You may be blocked if you are:
• a pedophile, "proship", "prokink", "anti-anti", a pedophile apologist
• a zoophile, someone who draws feral porn, a zoophile apologist
• pro-cop or a supporter of the police force
• a racist, a Nazi, a white supremacist, antisemetic, xenophobic, a nationalist
• against women's right to proper healthcare, including abortions, or a mysogynist
• pro-cop (again)
• homophobic, transphobic, or any rank of anti-LGBTQ+ rights
• an AI or NFT "artist"
• annoying about what's done with your characters or adopts after you've sold them
• a minor
If you are any of these things, block me or don't interact.


Note: I am not someone who believes they are these characters or someone who kins real-life people. These are characters that I relate to heavily and enjoy projecting myself onto as a means of coping with trauma.